Saturday, January 24, 2009

Deceptively Delicious

One morning in 2007 I saw Jessica Seinfeld on the Today Show promoting her new book. I asked Chris to stop at the book store that very day and pick it up for me. I have used it a lot since then, and have varied several of the recipes to fit our family's tastes. Those of you who haven't yet gotten your copy of "Deceptively Delicious", I highly recommend it as an addition to your recipe book library, especially if you have finicky kids, or husbands!
Since many recipes that I share on this blog are from her book, or some variation of a recipe from the book, I just thought I'd give credit where credit is due!


Student Entrepreneur said...

That is cool! After you talked to Veneta tonight - she put squash in with mac and cheese and my kids ate it!!

Student Entrepreneur said...

Hey, we were wondering if you guys are still planning on moving?

Julie Barb said...

I saw her on Oprah and loved the idea of sneaking in more veggies. Any useful tips are greatly appreciated...thanks!